The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
◕ Antenna Systems, propagation, and RF design
Electric vehicles, vehicular electronics and intelligent transportation Emerging technologies, 5G and beyond IoV, IoT, M2M, sensor networks, and Ad-Hoc networking Machine learning and optimization for wireless systems Positioning, navigation, and mobile satellite systems Radio access technology and heterogeneous networks Spectrum management for communications Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces and smart environments Unmanned aerial vehicle communications, vehicular networks, and telematics Wireless networks: protocols, security and services Cognitive radio and AI-enabled networks Communication and information system security Communications QOS, reliability and modelling Commumications software Physical layer and communication theory Green communications Transmission and reception techniques Mobile networks Next-generation networking and internet Optical networks and systems Signal processing for communications E-mobility and E-vehicles, power technologies and integration in smart grids
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Wired networks
Space-air-ground communication and space networking Multimedia communications Integrated sensing and communication Semantic communications Cloud and edge computing Source and channel encoding Information and communications engineering Digital circuits and signal processing Analog circuit and signal processing VLSI design and fabrication Semiconductor devices and circuits Parallel and distributed computing Measurement and control technology and instrument Test and reliability Sensing and sensor networks Single-chip microcomputer technology Low power consumption and acquisition technology Electromagnetic compatibility Electrotechnics Electric machine and electric appliances Power and energy circuits Power system communication